Corsi per can

Stai cercando master, corsi, scuole o lezioni private per can?
Abbiamo trovato 56 master, corsi, scuole o lezioni private per can fra tutti i corsi pubblicati su internet.

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Insegnante di inglese

28-02-2024 • TorinoPiemonte • Corsi di lingue • 15€
... I arrived in Italy three years ago with zero knowledge of Italian, so I stood at the airport and could not ask how to get the bus to the city. My knowledge of English was a little better. And now I can speak both languages. Do you want to make such progress? I offer English classes to anyone who is not interested in learning grammar but wants to know real English and finally start speaking ...

Italian lessons from native Italian teacher

09-02-2024 • MilanoLombardia • Corsi di lingue • 15€
Native Italian teacher gives Italian lessons to beginners, students and enthusiasts of the Italian language and culture. We will study grammar, read together and talk. Explanations can be given in English (I am at level C2). Lessons are held at my home in Bollate (MI) or online (Skype).

Lezioni d'Inglese

04-01-2024 • GenovaLiguria • Corsi di lingue
English Teacher gives private lessons, Prep exams. Cambridge Courses, Pet, FCE,CAE and conversation at all levels. Lessons can be online.

Sport cinofili ed educazione

20-03-2024 • LatinaLazio • Corsi di musica, danza, teatro, arte e sport
migliorare la relazione con il tuo cane? Hai gi preso o devi prendere un cucciolo? Vuoi fare attivit con il tuo amico a quattro zampe o vuoi semplicemente dei consigli? Vuoi partecipare ad un corso di primo soccorso veterinario o prendere un brevetto di salvataggio nautico cinofilo? Contattaci e penseremo al percorso pi adatto per voi. L\'incontro conoscitivo gratuito e senza impegno, ...

Experienced Math Teacher available for online and presential lessons in English

02-04-2024 • TorinoPiemonte • Corsi di lingue
... personalized guidance for every level. I employ personalized teaching methods to cater to individual learning styles and I mentor students in their own way of studying and make them feel they can do it. I start my lessons with a deep dive in Theory and than lots of exercises... all in English! At the end of the lesson, I provide a pdf with the resume of what I do together with my

Do you want to learn Italian? - private lessons

07-03-2024 • TriesteFriuli-Venezia Giulia • Corsi di lingue • 20€
... I have a Degree in Translation and I have experience as tutor for foreignes who want to learn Italian. I am available for Italian lessons (all levels - from beginners to proficiency). You can contact me if you want to learn Italian from scratch, if you have already some knowledge of the language and you wish to improve it or if you are looking for conversation


27-03-2024 • UdineFriuli-Venezia Giulia • Corsi di formazione professionale • 1500€ • corso online
... di aquileia, Bertiolo, Biauzzo, Bicinicco, Blessano, Bordano, Braulins, Bressa, Buia, Bulfons, Buttrio, Cabia, Camino al tagliamento, Campeglio, Campoformido, Campolongo al torre, Camporosso, Caneva, Cargnacco, Carlino, Carpacco, Cassacco, Castelmonte, Castions di strada, Cavalicco, Cavazzo carnico, Cave del predil, Cercivento, Cervignano del friuli, Chiassis, Chiopris, Chiusaforte, Ciconicco, ...


27-03-2024 • UdineFriuli-Venezia Giulia • Corsi di formazione professionale • 1500€
... di aquileia, Bertiolo, Biauzzo, Bicinicco, Blessano, Bordano, Braulins, Bressa, Buia, Bulfons, Buttrio, Cabia, Camino al tagliamento, Campeglio, Campoformido, Campolongo al torre, Camporosso, Caneva, Cargnacco, Carlino, Carpacco, Cassacco, Castelmonte, Castions di strada, Cavalicco, Cavazzo carnico, Cave del predil, Cercivento, Cervignano del friuli, Chiassis, Chiopris, Chiusaforte, Ciconicco, ...

Lezioni private di Inglese e Francese svolte da docente

13-02-2024 • TorinoPiemonte • Lezioni private • 15€
... ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------- Hello, I\'m a Highschool French teacher, I offer repetitions of English, French and Italian in Turin or via skype (it can be either to help you with your homework or for an exam). My teaching method is shaped based on what your teacher asks, or based on what you want to focus on. Contact me for further information. ...


27-03-2024 • GrossetoToscana • Corsi di formazione professionale • 1500€
... Saturnia, Scansano, Scarlino, Seggiano, Selva, Selvena, Semproniano, Sorano, Sovrana, Sticciano, Stribugliano, Talamone, Tatti, Tirli, Torniella, Travale, Triana, Vallerona, Valpiana, Vetulonia, Zancona ABRUZZO - BASILICATA - CALABRIA - CAMPANIA - EMILIA ROMAGNA - FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA - LAZIO - LIGURIA - LOMBARDIA - MARCHE - MOLISE - PIEMONTE - PUGLIA - SARDEGNA - SICILIA - TOSCANA - ...
Corsi per can