Corsi per english teacher firenze

Stai cercando master, corsi, scuole o lezioni private per english teacher firenze?
Abbiamo trovato 3 master, corsi, scuole o lezioni private per english teacher firenze fra tutti i corsi pubblicati su internet.

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Italian lessons to foreigners

17-03-2024 • FirenzeToscana • Corsi di lingue • 18€
Qualified and experienced Italian teacher offers individual or group Italian lessons to people coming from all over the world . The teacher has got a DITALS certificate obtained at the University for foreigners of Siena and she is also fluent in English and French. Lessons on line on demand

Insegnante Inglese Madrelingua / English Teacher

07-03-2024 • FirenzeToscana • Corsi di lingue • 25€
Insegnante Madrelingua certificato TEFL ( Teaching English as Foreign Language), con 10 anni di esperienza. Offro lezioni e ripetizioni private sia per Esami Cambridge Esol (FIRST, IELTS, ecc) e TOEFL sia per neccessita miglioramento personale. Lezioni a domicilio o online. Contattatemi solo tramite sms e whatsapp per favore. Tel: **********. Grazie.


14-02-2024 • FirenzeToscana • Corsi di lingue
am an experienced Italian teacher with good English. I obtained the DITALS certification of competence from the University for Foreigners of Siena for teaching Italian to foreigners. I give classes of Italian language at a very good price in FLORENCE (ITALY). Lessons at my house (piazza Beccaria/Lungarno Colombo area), at your home or online on Google Meet or Skype. Together we can find the ...
Corsi per english teacher firenze